[Glade-users] libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'on_edit_clicked'.


I created a window that consists of a vbox with 2 rows. In the first row I have a handlebox and in the second 
row I have a treeview. In the handlebox, I have a toolbar and in the toolbar, I have a few toolbuttons such 
as add,delete,edit,open,clear and new.

Now I added the clicked signal to these buttons in the glade properties under the signal tab but when I try 
and add some code in them in callback.c file, 

I get the following errors and the buttons do not click (meaning when i click any of the buttons, nothing 
happens and i get the following errors).

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'on_edit_clicked'.

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'on_clear_clicked'.

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'on_new_clicked'.

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler  'on_add_clicked'.

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'on_remove1_clicked'.

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 

(uctimsclient:22654): libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'on_open_clicked'.

How do i solve the errors?

I have pasted my makefile below. Thanks

#Makefile for UCT IMS Client version 1.0
#Compiler: gcc 4.0.3

CC = gcc
LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -leXosip2 -lxml2 -lcurl -lgstinterfaces-0.10
INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/libglade-2.0
GTK_LIB_FLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`
GTK_LIB_FLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags --libs libglade-2.0` 
GTK_INC_FLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0  gstreamer-0.10`


_OBJS = callbacks.o common_exosip_event_handler.o common_interface_event_handler.o DigestAKAv1MD5.o 
ims_exosip_event_handler.o \
ims_interface_event_handler.o interface.o imsUA.o media.o preferences.o addressbook.o presence.o \
sdp_methods.o sound_conv.o support.o useful_methods.o watchers.o xcap.o gstreamer.o 
OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(ODIR)/%,$(_OBJS))


SRCS = imsUA.c callbacks.c common_exosip_event_handler.c common_interface_event_handler.c DigestAKAv1MD5.c 
ims_exosip_event_handler.c \
ims_interface_event_handler.c interface.c media.c preferences.c addressbook.c presence.c \
sdp_methods.c sound_conv.c support.c useful_methods.c watchers.c xcap.c gstreamer.c 

PROG = uctimsclient

all: $(PROG)

$(PROG): $(OBJS)
    $(CC) -o $@ $(GTK_LIB_FLAGS) \
    $(LIBS) $(OBJS)

$(ODIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
    $(CC) $(INCLUDES)  $(GTK_INC_FLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

depend: $(SRCS)
    makedepend $(SRCS)

    rm -f $(PROG) $(ODIR)/*.o *~ $(SRC_DIR)/*~

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