[Glade-users] Fwd: Python widgets plugin is still using pygobject

On 11/11/2012 22:54, Nox Deleo wrote:
Think this was probably rejected because I forgot to sign up 
first...clever me. Anyway apologies if this ended up posted twice (I 
didn't see it in the archive).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Nox Deleo* <noxdeleo at googlemail.com 
<mailto:noxdeleo at googlemail.com>>
Date: 9 November 2012 13:36
Subject: Python widgets plugin is still using pygobject
To: glade-users at lists.ximian.com <mailto:glade-users at lists.ximian.com>

I'm fairly new to GObject/GTK etc, so I might not be explaining this 
right, but please bear with me.

I've been trying desperately to get a custom catalog into glade 3.14, 
but the I think the problems I've been having are linked to an 
outdated python plugin. I was missing libgladepython.so in the Ubuntu 
glade package (for quantal), so I decided to compile it from source 
and include it. All went well until I tried to start glade.

(glade:23862): GladeUI-PYTHON-WARNING **: Error initializing Python 
interpreter: could not import pygobject

(glade:23862): GladeUI-PYTHON-WARNING **: Unable to load pygobject 
module >= 2.90.4, please make sure it is in python's path (sys.path). 
(use PYTHONPATH env variable to specify non default paths)
could not import gobject (version mismatch, 2.90.4 is required, found 
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Guess this might be why it didn't make it into the package? Anyway I'm 
hoping one of the devs could find a minute to update this to use the 
new gobject, or tell me if I'm doing something wrong here. It'd make 
my current project a whole lot easier to have this working. Thanks in 

Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com
Solved changing the line in configure to accept version after 3.x and 
after compiling again , it is an old problem



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