[glade--]Re: I found the problem (bug in glade--?)

Mark Jones wrote:

I found the problem.  One problem was that I was missing the gnomemm-devel package.  Then I found another problem, a bug in glade-- I suspected.  Then I realized I didn't have the latest version.  Then I compiled and installed the latest version, but that did not fix the problem.  The problem is that for some reason, the src/Makefile always is missing the definition of the variable INCLUDES and so the proper path is not setup for the compiler.

This does not occur when I build the source as C and run autoconf.sh, only when I build the source as C++ and run autoconf.sh.  It occurs too if I copy the .glade file to an empty directory and run glade-- manually.  That is why I suspect it is a bug in glade--.

Two lines use the INCLUDES variable:



But, since it never ends up defined it doesn't work properly.  To get it to compile properly I have to manually add the line (copied from the C makefile):
INCLUDES =  	-I$(top_srcdir)/intl 	$(GNOME_INCLUDEDIR)

Then everything works fine.  There are a lot of important paths defined in GNOME_INCLUDEDIR and without INCLUDES being set it doesn't get those paths to compile with.

Do you think it is a bug in glade--?


I consider this a bug in Mandrake's gnome-- configuration. I think that

gnome-config --cflags gnomemm

should return all include paths necessary to compile a program. You might fix that by hand by editing



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