RE: [glade--]glademm and/or libglademm on win32?

> It's not C++ mangling, MinGW tries to build an executable when I hacked
> automake to produce a combined object file.
> > /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=link g++  -g -O2   -o libwriters.o.exe
> oh dear, my attempt to do incremental linking with automake and libtool
> failed. On Linux it does an ld -r (perhaps I should bypass libtool on
> this issue).
> If you replace libwriters.o.exe by libwriters.o - does it work?

It does indeed do an ld -r, but not terribly successfully:

d:/mingw/mingw32/bin/ld.exe -r -o libwriters.o WriterBase.o
WriterBase_matches.o Class.o accellabel.o accelgroup.o adjustment.o
alignment.o arrow.o aspectframe.o bbox.o bonobo_dock.o bonobo_dockitem.o
box.o button.o calendar.o checkbutton.o checkmenuitem.o clist.o clock.o
colorsel.o combo.o container.o ctree.o curve.o custom.o default.o dial.o
dialog.o drawingarea.o editable.o entry.o eventbox.o fileselection.o fixed.o
fontselection.o frame.o gamma.o gnome_about.o gnome_app.o gnome_appbar.o
gnome_calculator.o gnome_dateedit.o gnome_dialog.o gnome_dock.o
gnome_dockitem.o gnome_druid.o gnome_druidpage.o gnome_druidpagestart.o
gnome_druidpagestd.o gnome_druidpagefinish.o gnome_entry.o
gnome_messagebox.o gnome_numberentry.o gnome_pixmap.o gnome_propertybox.o
handlebox.o image.o imagemenuitem.o inputdialog.o label.o layout.o
libglademm.o list.o menu.o menubar.o menuitem.o menushell.o misc.o
notebook.o optionmenu.o packer.o paned.o pixmap.o pixmapmenuitem.o
placeholder.o preview.o progressbar.o radiobutton.o radiomenuitem.o range.o
ruler.o scale.o scrollbar.o scrolledwindow.o separator.o spinbutton.o
statusbar.o table.o text.o textview.o togglebutton.o toolbar.o tooltips.o
tree.o treeview.o unknown.o viewport.o widget.o window.o xpmname.o
Class.o(.stab+0x590c4): In function
d:/mingw/include/c++/3.2/bits/stl_vector.h:143: reloc refers to symbol
`.text$_ZNK10WriterBase8NeedDtorERK6Widget' which is not being output
Class.o(.stab+0x596d0):d:/mingw/include/c++/3.2/bits/stl_vector.h:143: reloc
refers to symbol
`.text$_ZNK10WriterBase17SignalHandlerArgsERK6WidgetRKSsRSsS5_' which is not
being output

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