Re: [g-a-devel]Re: Clarification on GtkTextView keynav.

Calum Benson wrote:
> Calum Benson wrote:
> > Anyone else have any views on this?  Is there some selection subtlety
> > I'm missing that makes one approach better than the other?  Whichever of
> > the two we choose, I think that the consistency needs to be maintained
> > between Ctrl+Left/Right and Ctrl+Up/Down, though.
> FWIW, I just did a bit more research here, and the Macintosh also uses
> the scheme I suggested for Ctrl+Right/Down (move to end of
> word/paragraph), whereas Windows prefers to move the cursor to the
> beginning of the next word/paragraph".
> Experience would suggest that if the Macintosh does it, then at the very
> least it's probably Not Such a Bad Thing  :o)  So I stand by my original
> proposal, unless there are any problems with it that I'm missing in my
> current jet-lagged state...

But here is a small problem. At present, 

Step1:  When the cursor is at the begining, pressing Ctrl+Down moves the
        to the end of same paragraph.

Step2:  Press Ctrl+Down, cursor moves to the begining of next paragraph.

Step3:  Pressing Ctrl+Down once again moves the cursor to the end of

I feel Step2 is incorrect. We better allow the cursor move to the end of
next paragraph
not to the begining. Otherwise cursor stays at the same paragraph
twice(at the begining and end). This is not the case with Ctrl+Up 
or Ctrl+Left/Right. In case of Ctrl+Up, cursor always goes to the
of paragraph, cursor stays at a  paragraph only once.

So I suggest that we should at least let the cursor be at the end of
next paragraph
always. Any thoughts on this.??


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