[g-a-devel]clarification needed on Keyboard Navigation among buttons.

Hi Calum,

I have a doubt in Keyboard Navigation among buttons. In case of
gnome-calculator(gcharmap also), there are many rows and columns of
buttons placed in a box.

User is allowed to navigate among buttons in a row using Tab as well as
Left/Right Arrow keys.  But
what about the navigation across rows.?  Using Tab/Shift +Tab,
navigation is possible across the rows.
Should this be provided using Left/Right arrow keys also.? I feel,
there are two possibilities.
One is to allow user to navigate to a next/previous row with Right/Left
arrows. This is good because
user can navigate among buttons continously as he does with Tab. Another
possibility is do NOT allow user
to navigate across rows and give a beep when he tries to navigate past
the last/first button in a row
with Right/Left arrows.

Also I did not understand the navigation among buttons in a column.
Using Up/Down arrow user can navigate. When user
navigates past the last/first in a column using down/up arrows, what is
the expected behaviour.? I feel there are
two possibilities again. One is allow user to go to next/previous column
and another is to give a beep which means that user can not navigate
across columns with up/down arrows.

Please clarify me in this regard.



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