Re: [g-a-devel]srcore exiting.

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 11:32, Mario Lang wrote:
> Hi.
> I am currently trying to get the Debian packages for gnome-speech
> and gnopernicus up-to-date again.
> It seems that building the two works fine, however, when
> running gnopernicus 0.3.6, it seems to start up, and after creating
> the GUI elements, it reports:
> (gnopernicus.bin:25691): gnopernicus-WARNING **: srcore exited.
> and srcore terminates.
I have no idea what could be causing this, so please help us with a
stack trace.
> However, srcore does not print any kind of useful information before dying.
> Can someone either:
> 1. Tell me what is going on here, OR
It is not happening on my machine (Linux Red Hat 8.0 )
> 2. Tell me how to debug srcore?
gdb lt-srcore
Note1 : lt-srcore binary can be found in gnopernicus/srcore/.libs
Note2: To obtain a stack trace : after gnopernicus is crashing type "bt
full" or only "bt" inside gdb.

> Another small problem I noticed is that 0.3.6 still tries
> to open /etc/gnopernicus-1.0/translation_tables/GE.a2b
> Note the funny filename, lowercase extention, but uppercase language-name.
Funny indeed, but the problem was fixed some time ago. Now the
translation tables are named to comply with i18n guidelines.(de.a2b,
es.a2b etc)
> That somehow indicates to me that some "GE" usage is still left over
> in the sources.  At least I deleted ~/.gconf/apps/gnopernicus just
> to make sure...
It is not in the sources,so please do the following:
Load default preferences for braille from GUI: Default Preferences ... |
Braille  (press the push button)

If the problem persists then you must do a "make uninstall" followed by
a "make install" for the new version of gnopenricus that you are trying
to run.

HTH && Best regards,
Adi Dascal
BAUM Engineering

> Thanks for whatever hint you can give me,
> -- 
> CYa,
>   Mario | Debian Developer <URL:>
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