Actions supported for GailMenuItem

Five actions are proposed for GailMenu; these are
select, deselect, toggle which are inherited from GailItem and
activate and activate-item.

I have looked at these and I think that the only action we should
implement for a menu item is activate.

The select signal is generated when a menu item is selected. This can 
be done by using the AtkSelection interface on the menu to which the menu
item belongs.

The deselect signal is generated when a menu item is deselected; normally
another menu item is selected in its stead. Deselecting a menu item can be
done by using the AtkSelection interface on the menu to which the menu item 

This signal is not used for menu items.

This signal is emitted only in the function gtk_menu_item_activate_mnemonic().
This function is the signal handler for the "mnemonic_activate" signal. The
signal is emitted by a call to gtk_widget_mnemonic_activate() which is called
from gtk_window_mnemonic_activate() which is called from 

I do not claim to undderstand exactly what is going on here but it does not
seem to me that the activate_item signal is one for which we need to define
an action.


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