Re: set_selection_bounds() and select_text()

>The AtkText interface contains set_selection_bounds() and 
>contains select_text().
>Do we really need both of these?

There is an open issue around whether we allow discontiguous selection 
("multi-select") or not.

If we do, then select_text() makes sense, set_selection_bounds() (and 
similarly, get_selection_bounds) don't, unless they take an additional 
gint parameter to indicate "which" selection range is being operated on.

I think multi-select is probably useful, but tricky.  If we decide to 
implement it then we need a get_n_selections() method as well, to go 
with get/set_selection_bounds() [plus the new parameter to the 
*_selection_bounds() methods).

>If so, can anyone suggest a scenario in which the implementation of the 
>intefaces might be different?
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Bill Haneman x19279
Gnome Accessibility / Batik SVG Toolkit
Sun Microsystems Ireland 

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