Re: Howto for installing GNOME2.0 and Festival Speech System 1.4.2

Hi. Major comment here. You wrote:
"Start Gnopernicus by typing gnopernicus
In Gnopernicus go to “Speech Settings” and select “Festival” as speech system
Restart Gnopernicus"
One major problem with these directions is that it assumes the person has enough vision to launch gnopernicus, switch to festival, exit, and reload gnopernicus. 
I blieve there is an easier way isn't there?
I think if someone were going to enter:
export FESTIVAL=1
prier to loading gnopernicus he/she might be able       to get speech. Am I correct in thinking this way?
It is absolutely important that the blind person in question has access to speech from gnopernicus for the vary first time so that he can set up options himself and not depend on someone else to do it all for him.

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