
Hi.  It has been suggested to me that the reason that Gnopernicus is not
working for me in Nautilus and Gedit is that something is wrong with my
copy of Libgail-gnome.  It is the version that came with Slackware 9.0 and
is listed as 1.0.2.  I checked out libgail-gnome from CVS and it indicates
that it was last modified in December of 2002.  Thus, it would seem that I
should have the latest version right?  What I am wondering is how to
determine what exactly the problem is.

Besides the errors on the console when trying to run Nautilus or Gedit, I
have been getting seemingly random errors when logging out and usually
have several processes hung which need to be killed.  Most of the time, it
consists of Bonobo-activation, several Dectalk-synthesis-server processes
plus Gnopernicus itself.  The last time, I got some errors about XML.
(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding

(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: Bytes: 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF

(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: detected an error in element content

(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: Premature end of data in tag TEXT

(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: detected an error in element content

(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: Premature end of data in tag SRSOUT

(srcore:1128): SRSXML-CRITICAL **: Extra content at the end of the document

Are these related in any way to Libgail?  I'm suspecting that something is
either corrupt or not installed properly somewhere.  Any ideas as to how
to troubleshoot this?  Thanks.

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