Re: Gnopernicus Speech Volume

You have two options.
One you can adjust the volume controls by  using the Gnome volume program
that ships with most Linux distros. This would be the easiest way as it is
very easy to use.
 However, you can install and use a command line tool like aumix like this:
aumix -v 100 100 -w 100 100 -c 80 80
which would give you the same effect.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason White" <jasonw ariel ucs unimelb edu au>
To: "Rich Caloggero" <rjc MIT EDU>
Cc: <gnome-accessibility-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: Gnopernicus Speech Volume

> Rich Caloggero writes:
>  > How does one turn up the speech volume?  I think this is a
soundcard/sound hardware issue, because if I simply use "play file", it
>  > plays very low, and the volume set via layer 8 of gnopernicus' keymap
is at maximum.
> Use aumix with the -v option. Install aumix if it isn't there already.
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