Re: DECtalk ceased working with a message about lisence quota exceeded

	Sounds to me like the dectalk-synthesis-driver is still 
running--gnopernicus doesn't close it down very well. Kill the driver and 
see if that helps, I've seen this happen when there are three or more 
copies of the synthesis driver running. I usually do:
killall -KILL dectalk-synthesis-driver
And for good measure I usually kill any other synthesis drivers that are 
running--even if you don't use them gnopernicus will run them anyway.

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, Rich Caloggero wrote:

RC> Had the thing all setup and working, finally got gnome to build from garnome, got gnopernicus running, and then for no reason at
RC> all, dectalk just stopped functioning. test-speech gives no error message and gnopernicus simply says "speech initialization
RC> failed". When executing the say program which ships with dectalk, I get a message like "lisence quota exceeded". No other
RC> explanation. Anyone seen this before?
RC> I've removed everything I can find relating to dectalk, including the /etc/DECtalk.conf file which seems to have lisence-related
RC> stuff in it, then reinstalled, with exactly the same results.
RC> Thanx for any info...
RC> -- Rich
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