Re: Speech Dispatcher

Bill Haneman píše v St 28. 09. 2005 v 13:53 +0100:
> Because Speech Dispatcher uses GPL and not LGPL, it is limited in terms 
> of what drivers it can support due to license incompatibility issues.

Hello Bill,

I don't understand how is the licensing of Speech Dispatcher core
and its documentation related to the licensing of its modules?

The modules are standalone applications (it's well possible to use
them without Speech Dispatcher, e.g. from command line) and
IPC (pipes) is used for communication with Speech Dispatcher.
You can also run Speech Dispatcher without any modules (using just
the ``testing'' option for output). There is no direct dependency
in either way and having both included in the same package is a matter
of convenience.

The license of the modules is the choice of the author. (As well as the
license of the clients.)

With regards,
Hynek Hanke

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