Is Debian appropriate for accessibility?


I would like briefly reply to frequent notice about Debian and

The core idea in these notes was that most problems with Accessibility
(orca, gnomespeech...) is in Debian and that will be better if users
will use another Linux distribution.

That's sure not true. :-) Debian and other distribution not response for
quality of separate application. That gnomespeech has not any effective
log mechanism for example or that orca not works and shows some python
traceback only. It is nothing opposite to orca but I would like show
that problems are elsewhere. 

On Debian works many developers who works in their free time for others.
Sure all is not perfect in Debian as well as in another distributions.
Additional, many distributions are based on Debian.

I would like please all for understanding and accuracy.

Have you nice day


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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