Re: Nokia to fund D-Bus based accessibility

This truly is wonderful news. I personally can't wait to take some of
those KDE apps for a spin with Orca, and I expect there will be KDE
based AT that will now be able to do the same with Gnome, Open Office,
and Firefox.

But, there's one more aspect of this I wanted to mention. Will notes
that AT-SPI on Dbus will give us the opportunity to add accessibility to
small and embedded devices--cell phones, pdas, etc. During the recently
concluded Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit we heard an estimate
from IDC that Linux will drive approximately 50% of all such devices by
2012. So, we may be on the verge of an explosion of accessibility

And, to top it all off, KDE and QT get the benefit of AT-SPI based
realtime automated testing, just like Dogtail and LDTP are doing via the
current Corba based AT-SPI. How awesomely cool is that?


Willie Walker writes:
> This is indeed awesome news for the community, and it's great to see 
> that the people who did the AT-SPI/DBus feasibility study are the ones 
> that will be doing the work.
> Some of the major impacts of this work include:
> 1) Releasing accessibility from the shackles of the out-of-style 
> CORBA/Bonobo technology and into the hip with-it DBus space.
> 2) Unifying accessibility infrastructure across KDE and GNOME, paving 
> the way for users to be able to use one assistive technology to be used 
> to access both desktops.
> 3) By shedding CORBA/Bonobo, it helps enable accessibility solutions to 
> migrate to the small device and embedded space.
> All very exciting stuff!
> Will
> JGJones wrote:
> > I came across this on Planet Gnome and thought it would be of interest 
> > if no-one heard of. Apologises if you all already know this and I'm a 
> > bit slow on the uptake :-)
> > 
> >
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Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina a11y org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility	janina a11y org	
Linux Foundation

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