Re: Testing A11y

There might be another relatively inexpensive alternative.  Drive sleds.
Each sled holds a different disk drive. You have one drive sled holder installed in the computer and when you want to switch operating systems, you just find the right drive sled insert lock in with the key and boot the machine into the operating system on that hard drive. From what I've been told drive sleds can be purchased for about $40.00 each and the price of hard drives has declined. I now use drive sleds for IDE disks but don't know if ones are available for sata but think those are available. On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Penelope Stowe wrote:

Rather than continue to take over Bill's thread, I figured I'd start a new one.

I'm interested in what works for Gnome and distros other than Ubuntu
for testing a11y.

We're really trying to figure out how to make it work, especially with
all the new changes coming in, but many of us can't break our systems
for a11y-related reasons (and don't have an extra machine) and we've
had trouble getting people without impairments to do testing because
they're worried they don't really understand what they're doing. I
figure we can't be the only distro where this issue comes up and I'm
curious how other distros and a11y groups deal with it.


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