Doubt about ATK and AT-SPI states

Hi everybody!

Accerciser told me that a little demo I was doing has the following problem:

a widget that should have states FOCUSABLE or SELECTABLE does not have none. This is a general problem: I would like to add a state in a widget in such a way that I could fix this.

I tried adding an ATK state via

The C code tells me the state was correctly added, but Accerciser still doesn't find it. :P

After that, I decided to add an AT-SPI state instead of an ATK one, but I'm having troubles to compile it. I have the /usr/include/at-spi-1.0 directory, so I added <cspi/spi.h> in the proper header and -I/usr/include/at-spi-1.0 in the Makefile CFLAGS, but it says the methods from spi.h are undefined references... If anyone has any idea of how to solve it, please let me know. I've been struggling with it for a good time right now and google's not helping.

More than that: if anyone knows whether ATK states are a better choice, please let me know how to make it work.


Aline Bessa
GNU/Linux Registered User #452373

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