Re: shortcut for Orca settings

Hi Christophe.

INS has been set as Orca modifier) does not seem to work. In Fedora 20,
INS + Space only opens the Orca settings when I am in the system

Where else did you try? I think you'll find that it works in all
accessible applications (not just system settings). The one place one
might expect it to work but it doesn't is when you are in GNOME Shell,
looking at your desktop background, but not really in anything. In that
particular case, Orca is not notified of accessible keyboard events and
thus doesn't know you pressed anything.

to be a shortcut to exit Orca, i.e. Orca Modifier + Q, but I can't
remember that this ever worked on the Fedora versions that I tested.) Am
I missing anything?


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