Re: GNOME shell magnifier does not track Java UI events

Le 12/04/2017 à 15:20, Cancrinus, Bas(AWF) a écrit :
Dear list,

Hello Cancrinus,

I tried the following to let the GNOME shell magnifier track Java UI
events, but unfortunately it didn’t work for me. Could you please review
my steps and suggest what I could try next?

Unfortunately GNOME Shell magnifier has a simple focus tracking to trust it for testing. I'm also not sure if Java SWT accessibility is correctly implemented.

Notepad starts, but the magnifier doesn’t track my input.

How to install Notepad example on Debian ? I use the Compiz Ezoom screen magnifier that has a more advanced focus tracking than GNOME Magnifier.
To check accessibility events you could use Accerciser.

Best regards.

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