About old version of udev required by jhbuild

Disclaimer: I understand this is not the correct list to talk about this, but I'm feeling a bit discouraged to subscribe to gnome-devel just yet :)

So, jhbuild module list has a pretty ancient version of udev required to build gnome, and actually the file isn't on kernel.org's repo anyway. In order to get away with it, I had to get to a shell, and download it from:


I even found a thread where Zeeshan asks about it on gnome-devel about it but seems to have gone nowhere:


Considering we are on udev-175 from what I can see on this Fedora mirror, the questions remain:

1) Should we send a patch updating the location for udev? I don't seem to find an official kernel.org mirror for this.
2) Should we send a patch updating the version of the udev being used?

Of course, I'm referring to a patch for jhbuild.

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