Re: Possible interaction between the Color manager and Argyllcms

On 27 July 2010 16:35, Leonard Evens <len math northwestern edu> wrote:
> Under argyllcms, dispwin -I  xxx.icc is supposed to load the table in
> xorg, and create a file .config/olor.jcnf which tells where xxx.icc is located.
> ...
> But, according to Martin at the argyllcms mailing list, if you compile
> argyllcms from source, it works as expected.

Right, this makes sense. We don't compile the jncf bits in Fedora as
it didn't compile with the system version of yajl, which we need to
use in Fedora. It might be fairly easy to make argyll use the system
version, in which case I think it's okay to turn on the jncf bits.

> The way Argyllcms (and the Xrite software under Windows) works, you make
> a series of adjustments to the monitor by using "hardware" controls for
> Contrast, Brightness, and RGB values. You use them to set white point,
> black point, etc. Argyllcms tells you how far off you are from your
> target value in either direction.  If you get these right, then the
> calibration LUT loaded into Xorg is minimal and doesn't really change
> screen appearance much.  Is that what you mean by programmable LUT?

No, programmable LUT is where you can send a 3D matrix to the monitor
and it does most of the color calibration in hardware. You need a
pretty nice monitor like an HP DreamColor to be able ot make use of
this feature. GCM doesn't ask the user to set contrast and brightness
manually, as ideally we can do this automatically using DDC/CI. That's
one of the nice features that's on the TODO.


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