Re: Icons for components

Sebastian Rittau <srittau jroger in-berlin de> writes:

> I've made and attached a patch to bonobo 0.37 that adds the ability
> to apply an "icon" property to bonobo components. The icon will
> be shown instead of the standard "tile" image in the components
> selector.
> (I tested this by adding the following tag to a bonobo oaf file:
> <oaf_attribute name="icon" type="string" value="gnome-chess.png"/>)

Please do not do the icon property this way. 

First of all, all properties should be namespaced, this one should
probably be "bonobo:icon".

Second, giving a filename like this will never work for remote
components. The right thing to do is encode the image data in the .oaf
file itself, something that is eminently doable (and which will
actually be done), but not in time for GNOME 1.4.



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