Re: header guards conflicts

Hi Murray,

On Fri, 2002-03-15 at 22:24, Murray Cumming wrote:
> When orbit-idl is used to generate stubs/skels for Bonobo.idl, without
> the -D__Bonobo_COMPILATION argument, it generates a Bonobo.h which
> includes the installed bonobo/Bonobo.h file.

	Why are you building Bonobo.idl without that flag ? Bonobo.idl is
designed to be either a) compiled with that flag or b) included in
another IDL file without that flag.

	It cannot and should not be built twice once with and once without it -
why do you want to do that ?



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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