Re: [gnome-cy] Epiphany

Helo Telsa, 

We will bring out real soon a Welsh language pack for Mozilla 1.4. Rhoslyn is at the moment bogged under with an OpenOffice1.1   translations deadline for tomorrow to have time to translate any new strings. We'll also have a Netscape 7.1 in Welsh.

Anyway, I've never heard of epiphany sorry, but if it helps I can forward to whoever all the strings from Mozilla 1.4 in po format. (Mozilla L10N doesn't use po files but DTDs. They're tightly integrated with the XML files used to describe the UI (XUL) in Mozilla and easily breakable. ie. they're release specific (look in any of the contents.rdf files)) 

In fact I've alrady sent Kevin the translations from N7.0/Mozilla 1.0 for inclusion into Omnivore if that's of any help. 


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Telsa Gwynne <hobbit aloss ukuu org uk>
Date:  Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:22:41 +0100

On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 03:31:24PM +0100 or thereabouts, Dafydd Harries wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 03:19:27PM +0100, Kevin Donnelly wrote:
> > Fine, send me epiphany.

One thing to note here, after a chat with the epiphany people: 
this will contain all the epiphany strings, but epiphany sits
on top of Mozilla. Mozilla 1.4 in the immediate instance. And
some strings (error messages and the like) will come from Mozilla.

Is Mozilla 1.4 the version that people were localising to Welsh?
Looking at
I see something for Mozilla 1.3, but no later.

Whether, within epiphany, you can tell it to go and download 
any Welsh packages for Mozilla, is a moot point atm. In fact,
the more the people on #epiphany discuss this, the more
complicated the thing sounds. There is even a suggestion of
simply copying the most commonly-used errors into epiphany's
po file. 

Horrible background for masochists:

I'm not saying "don't translate it" by any means. Just noting
that this is one where there may be stray English strings 
escaping into view.


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