Re: Antw: New gda-report's DTD

Gerhard Dieringer escribió:
> Hi Carlos,


> still some more ideas to the gda-report's DTD:
> We should add the attributes bgcolor, fgcolor, ....., negvaluecolor also to the report element and change the #REQUIRED to #IMPLIED in the label, repfield and special element. Then the values in the report element are the defaults for this report, that may be overwritten in the other elements.
> Now a principle questions: Last week I asked the question, if this DTD describes a report template, that is to be filled with data or a report, that allready contains the data and is intended to be printed. In the meantime I think, it can be both.

Well i think that the option to include the data into the report it's a
BAD idea, this is the way methaprast do their reports. We should use a
gda's database as the data source.

> *** Please use a monospaced font to view the picture: ***
> +--------+   xml     +-----------+    xml       +-----+                 +----+
> |        |  report   |           |   report     |     |   postscript?   |    |
> | application +--->>>>----+ transformation +---->>>>>-----+ renderer +----->>>>--------+ printer |
> |             | template  |                |    data      |          |                 |         |
> +-------------+           +---+--------+---+              +----------+                 +---------+
>                               |         |
>                               v         ^
>                    xml-query  v         ^  xml-data
>                               v         ^
>                               |         |
> +-------------+    SQL    +---+---------+--+
> |             +---<<<<----+                |
> |    RDBMS    |           | gda-xml-query  |
> |             |--->>>>----|                |
> +-------------+   data    +----------------+

Well, this could be a good interpretation.

> A report designer - or another application that wants to output a report - generates a xml-report-template. This is send to a transformation engine that
> takes the contained queries, sends them to Vivien's gda-xml-query for processing and inserts the results into the xml-report. The results should be put into label elements, that replace the repfield elements.

I don't know if this should be correct. Why you want to save the report
query in a XML file? Why not save it only in RAM ?

> If the query delivers n rows, then each repfield is replaced by n labels. The x and y coordinates are calculated as follows
> x(label(k)) = x(repfield), y(label(k)) = y(repfield) + (k-1)*height(detail).
> The resulting xml-report-data should then be rendered.
> I've also attach an example template and data-file.
> What do you think about this?

As i have tell you, i think that i don't see the utility to save in a
XML file the report with all data. This would be only used to export the
report into a HTML page (for example).

> Gerhard
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       Name: report_data.xml
>    report_data.xml    Type: text/xml
>                   Encoding: base64
>                           Name: report_template.xml
>    report_template.xml    Type: text/xml
>                       Encoding: base64

Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - España

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