Re: SGML to HTML Problem

Vivien Malerba wrote:
> On ven, 21 jan 2000, Charbel JACQUIN wrote:
> > Vivien Malerba wrote:
> > >
> > > > With Docbook 3.1 the public identifier is now something like : "-//OASIS/DTD DocBook V3.1//EN". You
> > > > should fix your <!DOCTYPE ...> statement.
> I must have a bad installation, because after modifying my CATALOG file, I get
> some errors which says it does not understand some tags in the docbook.dcl
> file.
> So for the moment, it seems faster for me to read directly the sgml code!
> Thanks anyway!
Hmm, I see. Docbook DTD definition, should reside in a file named 
"docbook.dtd" (and not "docbook.dcl", I dont really know what is the purpose of this file).
If you find this "docbook.dtd" file somewhere form the directory containing 
your CATALOG file, say "foo/bar/docbook.dtd" you should try to append (or modifiy)
the revelant line to your CATALOG: 

PUBLIC "-//OASIS/DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"	"foo/bar/docbook.dtd"

As soon as I have access to my machine, I'll send you a listing of my CATALOG file
and my /usr/local/share/sgml directory.


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