At 09:21 AM 3/21/00 +0300, Cédric PINEAU wrote:
>	Is your project GPLed ?
>	I'm currently working on the gnome-db report myself, and well ...
>	would be interrested in seeing what you've done so far !
>	(especially the XML DTD)
It's OpenReports on sourceforge (no yet)

Sadly, not very far. I also work on another program, Geheimnis, which we're
trying to get to 1.0, so I don't have alot of time to work on openreports.
I've got an idea what I want to do with the XML, such as groupings, loops,
and listing data sources, but I've been fighting with myself how I want to
format the output. I can see two different ways:

1) Force output to be HTML. This would make the report XML similar to
coldfusion in that you'd have HTML tags as desired (XHTML, actually) and
invent a <report::xml> and <report::field> tag.

2) Use XML for a format-independant "result" file. The results of the
various queries to the server(s)/datasource(s) would be stored as an
temporary XML file, then an output engine (or display engine) would pick up
the XML and format it according to the user's desires. The formatting could
be CSV, HTML, piped back into a database, displayed on screen, printed,
emailed in various formats, etc..., however, this method makes more work
for me, and HTML can do most of those things anyways.

Hmmm........I think tonight when I get home I will check out the anon
gnome-db cvs once I find it, and poke around a little. Admittedly, getting
to drop my current work on the input engines (I only have CSV done, and
that barely) would free me up to work on recursion functions, and defining
a good XML DTD...

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