Re: [gnome-db]Re: XML Queries

> This is a nice and usefull piece of software, but I wondered if it would not be
> easier to use a parser (lex/yacc) to do the job (and maybe start from the
> MySql or Postgres ones) rather than awk; I believe that as you introduce more
> functionnalities, it will grow to a point where it is difficult to maintain
> (from my own experiences with awk anyway).
yes, this is why I ask now: do we really need GOB for the XML query stuff?

it's not that I don't want to have it, but I've got the same concern as
Vivien: if we use everything, then there will be a time where it could
become quite difficult to manage it, and very very difficult for users
to compile it, due to the tens of libs/programs needed.


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