Re: [gnome-db]Spanish translation

> > >  - are the pages automagically published when they are commited?
> > > 
> > not yet, it's on my TODO list since 3 weeks ago. It's very easy though to do it.
> > 
> > It's just a matter of creating Makefiles which make all the necessary
> > steps. I'll start working on this this evening.
> Great!

I'll have it finished this weekend, I hope

> > 
> > cheers
> > 
> >
> I'll send (a first draft of) the list of things that need to be done as
> soon as possible so that it can be completed here.
> One last thing, I would be very glad to have somebody else to work with
> the web too. I don't want to give the feeling that I want to be the only
> web maintainer so if any of you (or anyone else in the future) is
> interested in helping we can work together :-D
well, really, for months, nobody has volunteered for maintaining the web, so it would

be a miracle to have now two people :-)


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