Re: [gnome-db]Adding news to the web by filling a form

On 13 May 2001 19:38:51 +0200, Jorge Ferrer Zarzuela wrote:
> Hi All,
> The subject says it all. I've finally managed to make it possible for any
> one on the team (or outside of it) to add news to the web site just by
> visiting it and filling a pair of form widgets.
> When you fill the form, the content is sent to the webmaster who reviews
> it and decides to publish it (adding it to CVS of course). It's that
> easy.
> There is a working version on:
> There is a link to the page with the form after the news list (any ideas
> about a more convenient location?).
> Please try it. After fixing any bugs you find, I'll add it to the
> 'production' web site.
I haven't really tested it, but IMO, just go ahead and add it to CVS, so
that it gets published tonight :-)

> Bye,
>       Jorge
> PD: If this works well I'll work on doing the same to add the information
> of a new release.
that would be great!
if you could also find a way to automatically update the entry for
GNOME-DB in freahmeat and, and in the GNOME software map,
you would save me from doing a boring task :-)

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> <rodrigo ximian com>

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