Re: [gnome-db] A very empty gnomedb-fe

On Mon, 2001-11-05 at 11:12, Aditya Gilra wrote:
> ||Shriharih||
> God-Remembrance.
> I dnlded and installed the 0.2.92 versions of libgda,
> gnome-db and gasql.
> On running gnomedb-fe, the app is quite empty apart
> from the menu. It is was quite full in 0.2.10. By
> empty I mean
> 1. There's only a menubar.
> 2. The menubar has only 1 'actual' item at
> file->new->database.
> But even that doesn't allow me to configure a DSN. And
> without a DSN, I can't work anywhere.
> gasql has a settings->database manager menu-item. But
> cliking that gives me a pop-up saying 'Can't find
> Gnome-DB Manager Component.' And this error on the
> console -
> Message: Successfully registered
> `OAFIID:Bonobo_Moniker_std_Factory'
> Bonobo-WARNING **: Activation exception 'Unknown CORBA
> exception id: 'IDL:OAF/GeneralError:1.0''
> What's wrong???
> If I just run gnomedb-mgr on its own it registers
> suessfully.
yes, the problem is that OAF (Object Activation Framework) can't find
the gnome-db/libgda's .oaf files. Where have you installed

You've got 2 solutions:
* copy $prefix/share/oaf/GNOME*.oaf /usr/share/oaf
* export OAF_INFO_PATH="$prefix/share/oaf:/usr/share/oaf"
(being $prefix the prefix where you installed gnome-db/libgda)

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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