Re: [gnome-db] Data Export Suggestions

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 17:42, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> In SQL I can run a query, see and sort the results.  Very nice.  I can right
> click and save the results to a file in one of the three formats. 
> If I click browse the file selector dialog box appears but is unresponsive,
> clicking the upper-right "X" doesn't close it.  One has to dig through the
> window stack to it's parent (which I clicked browse) and click cancel.  Then
> save the data again but manually enter a file name. 
ok, that's fixed, since it was creating a modal dialog for the 'Save as'
dialog, and then opening the file selection dialog blocked it. Fixed in
CVS as I say.

>  And it doesn't appear to be
> willing to overwrite existing files, it simply says it can't open the specified
> file.  It would be better if it said "Do you really want to do this?" and then
> proceeded to do it.
working on this now, should be in CVS soon.

> It would also be useful to be able to specify the delimiter (such as a pipe
> sign) in addition to the standard tab and comma.
yes, makes sense. Could you please add a bug to bugzilla about it? I'll
work on it as soon as I finish other things I'm working on.


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