Re: [gnome-db] Auto-updated GdaMetaStore?

2008/12/22 Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
The gda_connection_get_meta_store_data() documentation
says "Note: it's up to the caller to make sure the information contained
within cnc's associated GdaMetaStore is up to date using
gda_connection_update_meta_store() (it can become outdated if the
database's schema is accessed from outside of Libgda).".

That suggests that the meta store is kept up-to-date automatically. But
it doesn't seem to happen when I do a "ALTER TABLE" query to add a field
to table. Is this a bug or is this the design?

In a general way, the meta store is not kept up to date because AFAIK no database supports it (no callback API exists to signal schema changes).

However, I plan to make it update itself when I can identify that schema statements have been run (such as ALTER...), but it's for post 4.0.

In the meanwhile I'll correct the doc to make sure there is no misunderstanding.



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