Re: [gnome-db] Column Type

If I add data_type to the query I get:

column_name | gtype      | data_type     
description | gchararray | pg_catalog.text
id          | gchararray | gint

There's no consistency with the data types.

2008/10/1 Daniel Espinosa <esodan gmail com>
I'm coding an application witch need column information type from a PostgreSQL provider, using V4.

When  I use gda-sql-4.0 I can see the following information:

List of columns for table 'prueba'
Column      | Type            | Nullable | Default                            |
id          | gint            | no       | nextval('prueba_id_seq'::regclass) |
Auto increment
description | pg_catalog.text | yes      |

But whe I get the columns in a GdaMetaStore using
SELECT column_name, gtype \
                                                FROM _columns WHERE \
                                                table_schema = ##schema::string AND \
                                                table_catalog = ##catalog::string AND \
                                                table_name = ##table::string

for the same table 'prueba' in the same DB, when I dump to string the DataModel I got:

column_name | gtype    
description | gchararray
id          | gchararray

The table type isn't the same using the different tools, why?
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