Re: [gnome-db] GDA 4 and Ubuntu Lucid

On 21.01.2010, at 19:12, Vivien Malerba wrote:

> 2010/1/21 Piotr Pokora <piotrek pokora gmail com>:
>> Hi!
>> I have asked this question off-list, but would like to ask "officially".
>> Is there any plan to release GDA 4.2 in *near* future and include it in
>> upcoming Ubuntu Lucid release?
>> Current situation with availability of semi buggy GDA3 here and there
>> *and* not yet stable and usable GDA4 4.0.x is far from comfortable from
>> distributing GDA derived applications/libraries point of view.
>> I ask about Ubuntu Lucid because it's LTS release.
>> *If* GDA 4.2 (even with acceptable issues) could be included in this
>> Ubuntu release, a support for it, with minor updates, would be available
>> for years, giving other people stable library basement.
>> I know, GDA has own releases cycle, but distros have own too, and these
>> days, plenty of people select applications depending on their
>> availability either in distros or other compatible repositories.
> I understand your concerns, and I've just released a 4.1.4 version
> which still contains some UI extension bugs, for the purpose of having
> a 4.2 ASAP.
> However, regarding the core features (non UI), the corrections made in
> the 4.1.x releases have all been backported into the 4.0.x versions.
> So the problem maybe should be to have Lucid include an up to date 4.0
> version (the 4.0.6 has just been released and a 4.0.7 is on the way).

So, does it mean that "cores" of libgda 4.0.6 and libgda 4.1.4 are identical?

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