Re: GNOME development tools; A more United future?

On Mon, 3 Sep 2001 19:46, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> On Mon, 2001-09-03 at 04:26, Andrew Hill wrote:

> > > > The problem is that I need backend information from the postgresql
> > > > database like (GORY DETAILS SNIPPED)
Bingo.  And that's gonna be a REAL pain when you get into the advanced
object-relational stuff like Oracle, or Postgres with that cute little
KDE program "koalas" (did anyone see that?)

> > Be a pain for someone to go though each db and find out how to get the
> > information
> > and add the support.

It depends whether you have the ANSI SQL info views or not.
USER_TABLES, ALL_VIEWS and the like have been in the standard
for years, but not universally implemented, and apart from the
old KnowledgeMan, darn difficult to use with flat files or xBase
which is needed by a generic rdbm access method.  Even then,
KnowledgeMan required you to run a procedure to populate the
tables, taking a list of files (tables) and/or directories
as arguments.

Microsoft Access of course refuses to give it to you.  Might be
too informative.

I'll have to go and look at the SQL specs, (haven't got anything
more recent than all three vols of SQL-92).
David T. Bath - David Bath edipost auspost com au
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