project properties

Hi all,

I'm in the process of designing a preferences page for some of the build
output properties. I've basically finished the automake build
implementation in gnome-build and the generic build output view in
anjuta2. Here's a screenshot to give you an idea how it works/looks:

Basically, the backend (automake in this case) uses a callback to
forward/inform the frontend of the build output and any warnings or
errors that occur during this build. In case of the automake backend, it
uses a couple of regexs to filter out the warnings & errors. These get
displayed as "hyperlinks" in the build info view in anjuta2. When you
click on one of these links, the appropriate file will be opened at the
specified line. The frontend is totally generic atm. You can just change
the backend (to a Java build system for example) and it should work
exactly the same way. You cannot (yet) run a program you just built from
within anjuta2.

Now, for the colors in the GtkTextView, i've chosen yellow for warnings
& red for errors atm (and lightgray for the normal output). I'd like to
make this configurable for users. This is project backend independent
and should go in anjuta2's settings dialog.

I've also been thinking about implementing a project properties dialog
(i recall seeing an e-mail from gustavo yesterday asking me about this,
but i don't have that mail here on my laptop atm).

My question is: which properties do we want in there for the
automake/conf backend? The following list comes from looking at the
anjuta(1) preferences and some basic settings:

		- Project name, version, bugzilla link
		- Maintainer mode
		- Dependencies (libraries, pkg-config)
		- Treat warnings as errors
		- Which types of warnings
		- Optimization
		- Debug symbols
		- Profile(s) (for more than 1 run target)
			- Target
			- Parameters

Can anyone think of any more useful properties? These are meant for an
initial version of the project properties. It doesn't need to be perfect
etc. Just so we can implement this and see how it works with the
existing code etc.



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