Re: GtkSourceView 0.3.0 and libgnomeprint 2.2.x.

Robin wrote:

Gustavo Giráldez wrote:


On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:45, Paolo Maggi wrote:

I'm using it in a project of mine and it's a great widget. Before I found your widget, I started writing my own but it wasn't as efficient as GtkSourceView. Many thanks for it !

Thanks to you for using it :-)

I just wanted to know if it will depend on libgnomeprintui or other gnomelib from now on or if there will be a compilation option to keep the widget independent from (of ?) gnomelibs.

I'm running on a "gnomeless" environment and I think it's a pity to have to install various gnomelibs to use GtkSourceView.

Since it seems to be a popular request, we think it would be a good idea
to add a --gtk-only parameter to configure.

Patches are welcome :-)

Some additional thoughts: The printing code as it is right now, can be
completely separated, so this will not bring much problems.  While we
cannot commit ourselves to not adding another gnome dependency in the
future, you can be sure that won't happen at least until 2.4 is released

(One more thing to note, despite the name libgnomeprint, the
dependencies of libgnomeprint 2.2 are right now: libart-2.0 glib-2.0
gmodule-2.0 gobject-2.0 libxml-2.0 pango.  What I'm trying to say here
is that with little effort you can get printing support. libgnomeprintui is not strictly needed.)



Thanks for your answers :-)

I've never written any patch yet (and don't know how to write one), but I think it's the right time to learn.
I'll make a patch with pleasure.

About libgnomeprint, i run ldd on it *after* sending my post (yeah, i know, this is bad ;-)).
I thought it was depending on many others (gnome)libs but it's false.

Regards, Robin.
Hi again,

I made a little patch, I added a configure option (--enable-gtk-only).

Once this option activated, it :
   * disable libgnomeprint check in configure script
* disable tests programs compilation (and dependencies check : libgnomeprintui and libgnomevfs)
   * disable gtksourceprintjob.c compilation

Do I modify tests programs to compile them with the "gtk only" widget ?

One more point is about documentation, I don't prevent GtkSourcePrintJob.html installation and/or GtkSourcePrintJob documentation creation (when --enable-gtk-doc is activated).

If my patch seems ok to you, just tell me where to send/put it (I'm not familiar with patch creation, bug reports etc ..).

Thanks :)

Regards, Robin.

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