GtkSourceView website

Hi guys,
	as you probably have seen, GtkSourceView has now a web site
Well, calling it a web site is quite hard. It is more a sort of
prototype or better a place holder.
It is my first web site ever and it is very very broken (no XHTML, no
CSS, no valid HTML too).
I have no time to fix it and to make it becoming a real web site, so
I'm  writing here to ask if anyone is willing to rewrite and maintain
Lemme know if you are a real "web monkey" and you want to help me in
this hard (for me) task.


Paolo Maggi                      E-mail: paolo DOT maggi AT polito DOT it
Dip. Automatica e Informatica    Tel.  : + 39 011 564 7078 
Politecnico di Torino            Fax   : + 39 011 564 7099

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