Docbook woes

SO I got the docbook rpms from cygnus and they seemed to install OK.
db2html works however when ever I try to use jadetex I get this,

marx{docbook}6% jadetex docbook-intro.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3)
JadeTeX 1999/03/30: 2.5
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=5114].
l.523 \expandafter\def\csname EntDZcy\endcsname
                                               {\cyr{\Dzh}}% U040F%
No pages of output.
Transcript written on docbook-intro.log.

I'm trying to get a paper copy of the docbook intro using the indtructions


 Paul Cooper           |  
 Phd Research Student  | 01203 523523 ext. 26325
 Room 129              |                         
 Mathematics Institute |                          
 University of Warwick |                          
 Coventry, CV5 7AL     |                          

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