gw, guname docs

Greg -
Here are tarballs with the sgml and figures for gw and guname.

Because the listserv seems to be down, I haven't been able to get other GDP
members to do editing on them. :(

Is it a lot of trouble to check in a new sgml with changes if I make them?
If it is don't bother to check these in, as they might change in minor
ways. If, on the other hand, you want something so you can move forward
with getting the package together, getting the source files and makefiles
changed, then have at it.
Let me know what method works best for you. Remember I'm new at all this.
I figured out how to look in the makefiles and see where things go in the
menues, so that should be accurate in the docs. Let me know if any of them
get moved around.

We now have somebody signed up and working on (or finished with) every
utility except:


Let me know what your schedule for release looks like - people keep asking.
I'll be out of town for a couple of days, but when I get back Tuesday or
Wednesday, I'll start working on more of them if no one's signed up yet.

John Fleck



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