Re: new help browser

On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 11:15:09AM -0500, Dan Mueth wrote:
> I agree that creating good definitions will be quite a challenge.  We all
> need to be very careful about licensing too, as we should produce
> completely FDL'd definitions if possible.

I would be very interested in working on this.  Is there any potential
for taking definitions from foldoc, which I believe is either PD or open

> I like Telsa's idea of having "related pages". Should these be in the
> Navigation pane or the View pane?  If we put it in the Navigation pane, I
> guess it would have to be its own tab.  How do we populate the "related
> pages"?  I'm not sure if we want to just list things which are already
> linked, since the user already has these links and there may be other
> related pages which are not linked in the text.  Maybe each document
> should have these related pages listed in it?

I think it's possibly worth thinking back to the early days of the WWW,
before it was all banner ads, and how some early browsers could use the
<LINK> tags (which appeared in the HEAD section) to show next, previous,
etc.  It seems to me that the following related documents can be
generated automagically:

Up (eg, if you're looking at a <sect2>, this goes up to the <sect1>)

Of course they should be given their real names, rather than


These will exist for most documents.

A list of <ulink>s would also be useful and easy enough to generate.


Kirrily Robert -- <> --
Internet and Open Source Development, Consulting and Training
Level 13, 500 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 3 9614 0949  Fax +61 3 9614 0948

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