Re: applet template confusion writes:

|   <systemitem class="resource"> would be my first choice

I don't think Telsa wants to talk about "systemitems" like FTP servers;
she wants to talk about protocols.  <systemitem class="resource">SLIP</>?!?
(for reference cf. Norman's book, p. 478ss.).

<term> and <firstterm> are possible to; don't forget to add an

|   - but this
|   question has come up before and is something that perhaps should be
|   submitted as an RFE to the DocBook committee. The only place to really
|   define protocols at the current time is in a <ulink> and I believe
|   Telsa is trying to describe the protocol - not link to one... correct?

<ulink>s are for URLs etc., not for marking up protocols.

But before it gets too academic, Telsa, please post a short example with
context -- maybe, I'm completely wrong ;-)

work:                          |
     :             |          ------    ,__o
home:                   |         ------   _-\_<,
     : |        ------   (*)/'(*)

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