Evolution glossary

	I am just learning docbook right now, and I'm working on the Evolution glossary right now.  Would someone look over this, edit it a bit, and let me know.  It's not even close to done yet, but I want to try to weed out mistakes now before I have to fix a mistake for 100 definitions.  Just saving myself time in the future.
"Think realistically, not optomistically" - Myself
<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"[]>

<glossary id="glossary">
 <glossentry id="Attachment">
    An Attachment is 'clipping' a file into an e-mail for the reciever to download.
 <glossentry id="Bcc">
    Blind Carbon-copies (Bcc) are used to send a group of people an e-mail, but make it appear as the e-mail was personally sent to them.
 <glossentry id="Cc">
    Carbon-copies are used to send a 3rd party a copy of the e-mail, so they an keep up to date on a conversation, without being in the To: list.
 <glossentry id="Evolution">
    <application> Evolution </application> is the <acronym> GNOME </acronym> groupware application.
 <glossentry id="Automatic-Indexing">
  <glossterm>Automatic Indexing</glossterm>
 <glossentry id="execute">
    To run a program.  Both interpreted and compiled languages can be executed.
 <glossentry id="vFolder">
    vFolders allow an e-mail to be shared among multiple folders, so it appears that theres a copy of the e-mail in each folder.
 <glossentry id="Filter">
    A filter is a specific query that is run on all selected objects.  If the objects match the specified filter requirements, a specified action is executed.
 <glossentry id="Forward">
    By forwarding an e-mail, the user can send a 3rd party a message which was sent to the user originally.
 <glossentry id="Groupware">
    Groupware is a term describing an application who has many productivity features built into one program.
 <glossentry id="HTML">
    Hyper-text Markup Language(<acronym>HTML</acronym>) is the layout language which all webpages are written in.  HTML can be used inside of e-mails to insert images, justfiy text different ways, and even include webpages inside the e-mail itself.
 <glossentry id="Hot-Key">
  <glossterm>Hot Key</glossterm>
    Hot-keys are keyboard combinations used to do actions on a computer instead of using the mouse to do the same action.  Hot-keys can speed up computer usage.
 <glossentry id="iCal">
    <application>iCal</application> is the program which <application>Evolution</application> uses to manage the calendar section.
 <glossentry id="mail-client">
  <glossterm>Mail Client</glossterm>
    A mail client is the application which a user reads and sends their e-mail with.
 <glossentry id="Nautilus">
    <application>Nautilus</application> is the next generation file manager for <acronym>GNOME</acronym> being written by Eazel.
 <glossentry id="nickname">
    An alias for an e-mail address.
 <glossentry id="script">
    A program which is written in an interpreted language, which can be executed.
 <glossentry id="shortcut-bar">
  <glossterm>Shortcut Bar</glossterm>
    The Shortcut Bar is where the user accesses all the components of <application>Evolution</application> from.
 <glossentry id="spam">
    Spam is useless e-mail.  Spam normally comes in forms of chain-letters and advertisements for websites or services.

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