Re: spanish

On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 08:13:49AM -0600, Ver?nica Serrano wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for any documentation of gnome in spanish and would apreciate
> any tip how to find this.

In theory, if you have set your language (that is, locale) at login to
Spanish (es), and hit  "help" button in an app, it will load the
translated doc if it exists; if not, it will load the English one. I
do not know which docs are translated; I believe the users guide was
translated - try looking on (there should be a link to
"learn more about gnome" or something like this, which should bring
you to users guide online). Or ask  people of Spanish translation team
- start at to find them (the server seems
to be down right now, so I can't give you precise URL). 

> Also I want to ask how to install a theme in gnome.
> I find in the page beatiful desks but I don't how to
> install them. I tried in desk background, but it only change the
> background picture and not the whole thing (all the windows).

This is discussed in gnome control-center docs (try "help" for "theme
selector capplet"). In case  you have an older version of control-center, in
which "help" button does not work, here it is: 

Theme Selector

The Theme Selector capplet allows you to select which GTK theme you
would like to run. 

GTK themes are coordinated settings that define the look and feel of
such elements of graphical user interface as
buttons, menus, scrollbars etc. of all GNOME applications (more
generally, of all applications using the GIMP
Toolkit (GTK), hence the name). 

To change your GTK theme select a theme from the Available Themes list
on the left side of the main
workspace. If you have Auto Preview selected you will be able to see
what the theme looks like in the preview
window below. Note that the preview window is "live": you can click on
a button, enter text in sample text entry
box, etc. If you like the theme press the Try button on the bottom of
the GNOME Control Center to install it.

There are a few GTK themes that come loaded with GNOME when you
install it. If you would like more themes you
can check resources on the Internet like the GTK Themes site. Once you
have found and downloaded a theme
you like, press the Install new theme button. This will launch a file
browser that allows you to find the theme
you have just downloaded. The theme files should be in a tar.gz or
.tgz format (otherwise known as a
"tarball"). Once you have found the file press the OK and GNOME will
install the theme in the appropriate directory
(~/.themes) automatically. Now you can look in the Available Themes
list for the theme you have installed. 


Hope this helps.


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