Updated Package Descriptions Translations - Volunteers?

Hello i18n friends!
  Those of you on the docs mailing list probably already know me, but at
any rate, I'm Aaron Weber, tech writer for Helix Code.

One of the things I'm working on is package descriptions for all of
GNOME-- those short little one-sentence things that tell you what libfoo
does when you look at it in dselect or whatever.  A lot of these
descriptions are getting old, and many were never very helpful in the
first place (Package: Foo. Description: the Foo application).  So, I've
gone through and rewritten them all.

I've got a text file of all the descriptions, and it's maybe 400 lines
long, and would be quite simple to translate.  

How should I go about arranging for translations? Once given a
translated text file, I can get everything packaged up, so it wouldn't
be necessary to do any technical work. Should I just ask for volunteers

You can send replies to me (aaron helixcode com) or to the list or
whatever. Also, I'm almost always on irc.gnome.org in #gnome (nick:
verbal) if you want to chat.



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