Re: Can identifier url="foo" be duplicated?

On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 20:14, David Merrill wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Lampadas has a unique key on filename, so only a single document can point 
> at the same file. So, I am catching all of these as I try to import your 
> data.
> I'm running into situations where more than one omf file is pointing to 
> the same source file. I reported the first one as a bug, since a Spanish 
> omf file was pointing to an English source, but now I'm running into 
> three omf files which all point to the same document, but use different 
> subjects/categories. 

Which doc is this? Might be a bug on our end?

> I wonder if you are using multiple omf files to get 
> multiple category entries. Is this what you're doing?

For the bulk of our docs, there should be a one-to-one omf->doc
correspondence. The only exception to this that I'm aware of is the
gnome2-users-guide, which uses a bunch of omf files to point to
individual sections, thus (if I understand correctly, Sander?) allowing
multiple users guide sections to appear separately in the help browser's
table of contents.

> Also, are you sharing files as entities among multiple documents? If so, I 
> will have to remove the unique index and check for duplicates only among 
> "top" files.

We have a lot of duplication, where multiple top-level docs include
"legal.xml", but each keeps its own separate copy of legal.xml in its
own directory.

> I hope I am not being a pest asking all of these questions and needing 
> some hand-holding. I do appreciate your help very much.

No pest. You're exercising our system - sure to find bugs and help us
squish 'em.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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