xmldocs.make and friends

Folks -

During the run-up to GNOME 2.0, there was discussion of some sort of
gnome-docs package that would include things like the xmldocs.make, the
omf.make and whatever else we needed consistently deployed across

Jody made the argument (a smart one) that we would be bitten by the
problem of having to maintain a bunch of separate copies (by my count at
least 16 of 'em right now).

Of course Jody was right, as Tommi's most recent addition to
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78484 shows.

I'd like to restart the discussion about how to deal with this so that
we can come up with an answer and take care of the problem in the GNOME
2.2 time frame. I don't have the auto* expertise to suggest the specific
syntax needed in our build files. I can only assume the suggested fixed
offered by James and Tommi on the bug report are correct. I do see more
dragons ahead down the path we're on if we keep trying to fix this one
xmldocs.make file at a time.


John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)
http://www.inkstain.net http://www.abqjournal.com

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