GTetrinet description

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Per suggestion from greg, I'm asking for help to come up with a good
description for GTetrinet that can be used (if possible) in the README
file included in the distribution, packages description and "short
description" field at the software map.

greg said some people got confused with the current stuff, as they
thought gtetrinet was a tetrinet server, not a client. I am actually a
bit puzzled about this, but anyway, it can be better, for sure.

So, what we have now is:

GTetrinet is a clone of the popular Tetrinet game for Win95/NT.  It is
designed to be fully compatible with, and to be identical in gameplay to the
original Tetrinet.

GTetrinet is a client program for the popular Tetrinet game, a
multiplayer tetris game that is played over the internet. (If you don't
know what Tetrinet is, check out

Debian package:
 Description: multiplayer tetris-like game
  GTetrinet is a clone of Tetrinet, a multiplayer tetris version for Windows.
  It is compatible with the original tetrinet, although you need a separate
  program, such as tetrinetx, to be able to create your own games. Software map (255 chars max):
GTetrinet is a Tetrinet client for GNOME2. Tetrinet is a variant of the
popular Tetris brick game, that can be played simultaneously by 6
players. GTetrinet's goal is to remain completely compatible with the
Windows, original client.

The description needs to say gtetrinet is a tetrinet client, of course,
and probably say something about what tetrinet is, or people won't know
what this stuff is about.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi sindominio net     jordi debian org
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